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Chapters 14-16

60 questions

1. The science devoted to the study of the earth's surface and its interior is

2. Lithosphere is

3. Geologists call the liquid, molten rock nearest the earth's center the

4. Regions of crust sometimes collide. These collision zones are called

5. A process that moves large pieces of rock would be

6. Liquid rock flowing from active volcanoes is called

7. The worst volcanic disaster in U.S. history occurred at

8. The specific point where an earthquake begins is called the

9. An earthquake reading of 6.8 on the Richter scale is ________ times more powerful than a reading of 5.8.

10. Earthquakes that occur on the ocean floor

11. Sodium chloride (table salt) in a water solution will dry to form crystals that we then identify

12. The interaction of physical and chemical processes that change rocks from one type to another is called the

13. Limestone would best be classified as a

14. A good, yet relatively inexpensive, low temperature conductor of electricity is

15. A major advantage of metallic minerals is that

16. Metal-mining waste material is called

17. Mineral resources

18. Given that metallic minerals are limited resources, depletion time

19. New technology(ies) that can be used to extract metals from low-grade ore include:

20. Styrofoam has been found to be a suitable substitute for

21. Fossil fuels and ________ are nonrenewable types of energy.

22. ________ is/are used as the raw material(s) in the production of cleaning fluids, pesticides, plastics, medicines, and synthetic fibers.

23. The thick, gooey liquid consisting of hundreds of different hydrocarbon molecules that is pumped out of the ground is called

24. Refining crude oil

25. Oil prices in 2008 were about

26. Saudi Arabia has the world's largest crude oil reserves at 25%. The nation with the second-largest crude oil reserves is

27. In the U.S., the projected trend of automakers is

28. The United States produces 9% of the world's oil but consumes

29. Oil recovery is not 100% efficient. Typically, ________ barrel(s) of oil is/are extracted for every ________ barrels of oil found.

30. Bitumen is a material found in

31. The solid combustible mixture of hydrocarbons called kerogen is found in

32. Which of the following is true?

33. Which statement regarding natural gas is false?

34. Which statement is true?

35. Heat is the potential enemy of nuclear reactors. Excess heat is prevented and/or controlled by

36. Nuclear power plants

37. A significant disadvantage of nuclear energy is that

38. Nuclear power plants produce a significant amount of radioactive wastes that must be appropriately disposed of/contained. These wastes remain radioactive (and deadly!) for

39. Which of the following is not considered an appropriate option for the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant?

40. The process used to join two smaller atomic nuclei, releasing energy in the process, is called

41. In terms of overall energy efficiency, the U.S.

42. Recycling materials such as steel and other metals saves energy and money because

43. New European, Japanese, and Chinese cars are all significantly more fuel-efficient than U.S. automobiles because these countries

44. Cars that produce no CO₂ in their exhaust include

45. Green architecture

46. In terms of keeping houses warm, the most energy-efficient thing we can use/do is

47. Retrofitting existing conventional buildings to make them energy efficient means

48. Much energy savings result from using high-efficiency products (e.g., superinsulation, double-pane windows, tankless hot water heaters, etc.), yet we are slow to replace our old technology. A main reason for this is that

49. One nation is committed to getting all of its energy from renewable resources by 2050. This nation is

50. Biomass, wind, and moving water all have this in common:

51. Water that is heated in copper pipes, exposed to full sunlight, is pumped inside the house to a heat storage unit. This type of heating is

52. Which is true? Solar cookers used in India (reflective dishes or boxes that concentrate sunlight to cook food)

53. Solar (photovoltaic) cells work by

54. Although many alternative energies will probably contribute, many feel that by the end of this century, this will be the world's number-one renewable source of electricity.

55. Humans have used water power for millennia. Modern hydropower works by

56. Humans have used wind power for millennia. Modern wind power works

57. Biomass energy

58. Geothermal energy

59. Hydrogen can be used as a fuel source. An advantage of hydrogen over fossil fuels is that

60. Analysts agree that the key to making a shift to a more sustainable energy future will include economics, politics, and