1. The interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the environment is
2. Groups of individuals that are closely related and can interbreed are called ________; a group of living things interacting with one another and with their living/nonliving environment is called a/an ________.
3. We say that environmental science is interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary means
4. Air, water, soil, plants, and wind as well as processes such as photosynthesis are examples of
5. Collectively, we are living unsustainably and degrading the earth's natural capital at an expanding rate.
6. Gross domestic product (GDP) measures
7. Very poor nations
8. An example of a perpetual resource is
9. Land owned by a community or government that is available for use by citizens is called a(an)
10. In contrast to reuse, recycling materials completely changes their form (but not their substance). Which of the following may be recycled?
11. The amount of biologically productive land and water needed to supply the people in a particular area with resources and to absorb and recycle the wastes and pollution produced by such resource use is called the
12. The ecological footprint
13. We tend to mark the beginning of pivotal events in human history. The most recent such pivotal event was the
14. An example of biodegradable point source pollution is
15. The five main causes of environmental problems include population growth, unsustainable resource use, excluding environmental costs from market prices, inadequate environmental education, and
16. Which of the following is false?
17. We buy a table that is made from a beautiful tropical hardwood. The table's price is high. Even so, the price usually does not include
18. Which of the following statements is true?
19. When making environmental decisions, which of the following must come before all others in the decision-making process?
20. A grassland is composed of many plant species that rely on many factors for survival. In addition to the plants, there exist many animals that graze or eat each other. Sometimes these populations of plants and animals get too large, but there is always something that keeps their population in check. The life drama of growth and death, life and decay, winter and summer play out year after year. The aspect of sustainability that allows living organisms to take in needed atoms and molecules, and to return these same atoms and molecules at life's end, is called
21. Natural science
22. A hypothesis is
23. A simulation or approximate representation of a system being studied is an/a
24. An apple falls to the earth. Similarly, leaves, stones, and baseballs all fall to the earth when released. Our conclusion is that all things fall to the earth's surface when dropped. This is an example of inductive reasoning.
25. To conduct good science, scientists use
26. Some scientists make claims about the coming global climate change; others disagree. We say that such science
27. Which of the following best describes water, H2O?
28. A solution contains more hydroxide (OH-) than hydrogen (H+) ions. Which of the following would best describe the solution?
29. The fundamental structural unit of life is the
30. Since salt is concentrated NaCl molecules, we say that it is
31. When water is boiled, the liquid is changed to a gas. We say that a ________ ________ has occurred.
32. The energy present in sunlight is ________ energy.
33. Energy
34. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the energy coming out of a system is always less than the energy put into the system.
35. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that
36. Your friend wants to buy a new car. He asks your advice, since he wants an efficient car and knows you know the latest on green technology cars. Your advice makes him change his mind from the red SUV to the blue hybrid. In this conversation, changing his mind was a/an
37. Cancer-causing pollutants called PCBs are in the Hudson River (NY); they increase the risk of fish getting cancer by X%. Another pollutant in the river increases the risk of cancer by Y%. When both of these pollutants are present, the cancer risk goes up by much more than X% + Y%. This is called