2. Wastes that threaten human health or the environment because they are poisonous, dangerously chemically reactive, corrosive, or flammable are
3. The country that produces the greatest amount of solid waste is
4. Most of New York City's garbage is
5. Reducing the environmental impact of municipal solid waste without trying to reduce the amount of waste produced is known as
6. Which of the following methods best addresses the amount of virgin materials used by consumers?
7. Which of the following methods of waste reduction is the most effective?
8. The best option for bagging groceries is to use
9. Turning materials into new products of the same type is known as
10. Wastes produced in manufacturing processes are
11. Using bacteria to break down food and other organic wastes is known as
12. By providing more access to electronic information, the internet has reduced the amount of paper used in the United States.
13. ________ consists of various types of large polymers, or resins, produced mostly from oil and natural gas.
14. Burning wastes in incinerators provides all of the following benefits except
15. Most solid wastes in the United States are disposed of
16. Which of the following correctly prioritizes how to deal with hazardous wastes?
17. Hazardous wastes may be detoxified by which of the following methods?
18. The most common method of dealing with hazardous wastes is by
19. ________, a highly toxic pollutant, was phased out of gasoline in the United States during the 1970s.
20. Protecting everyone from environmental hazards regardless of race, gender, age, national origin, income, social class, or any political factor, falls under