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Chapter 13

19 questions

1. The world's single biggest cause of illness is

2. We interfere with the Hydrologic Cycle if we

3. Fortunately, the resource freshwater is fairly evenly divided throughout nations and continents.

4. Groundwater refers to

5. Annual surface runoff in rivers and streams not lost by seasonal floods, and therefore available for human use, is called

6. One in ________ people per year lack regular access to enough clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing.

7. The current land area experiencing severe or extreme drought is approximately

8. Water is limited, resulting in competition for this resource. In the U.S., competition for water results in

9. Cities provide water to their citizens. The majority of these citizens

10. Aquifers

11. Land subsidence and sinkholes are problems that sometimes occur as water is withdrawn. These sometimes occur in/at/beneath

12. Hydroelectric dams along large rivers

13. For desert cities such as Las Vegas, Nevada, aquifers and ground water have been depleted. The city recycles its water used in bathing, swimming pools, and fountains. Given the need for drinking water in such a large city, the source of the water must be

14. There are no disadvantages of hydroelectric dams.

15. Both California and China have plans to move vast amounts of water from one part of the land to another. The primary reason that each feels water need to be moved is

16. Forcing saltwater through a membrane filter with extremely small pores to produce freshwater is called

17. According to water experts, the main cause of water waste is

18. The single biggest domestic water use in the U.S. is

19. A natural area that is prone to flooding is called a