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Chapter 10

19 questions

1. Tree plantations

2. The most diverse and sustainable forest type is the

3. Forests are important to the world's people because

4. We are cutting forests faster than they are able to replenish themselves.

5. The method of tree harvesting that is most damaging to the environment is

6. Forest fires are always a bad thing.

7. Which of the following is a consequence of unsustainable logging practices and deforestation?

8. Scientists think that at least one-half of the world's known species live in

9. The Amazon basin is found in which country?

10. Fire as a tool of forest management

11. Much of the wood cut in the U.S. is used to produce pulp for making paper. We could reduce the cutting of trees used for this purpose by

12. Realistic ways that we can reduce tropical rainforest deforestation and promote sustainability include

13. In rangelands and grasslands, livestock tend to gather around ________, making these areas particularly vulnerable to damage.

14. In developing nations, national parks are highly protected areas that act as sanctuaries to wildlife.

15. This environmental activist group, composed of more than 1 million members worldwide, is responsible for buying and protecting land, waterways, and wetlands.

16. Biodiversity hot spots are

17. Ecosystems that we have degraded are irreversibly damaged.

18. .The process of fixing human-caused damage to natural ecosystems is called

19. Which best illustrates an intentional desire on the part of humans to share their habitats with other species?